Who are we?

We are a media start-up that focus on sports, news and entertainment and cover the full lifecycle of data storytelling, including research, story discovery, data analysis, visualization and publication.
Who are we?

We're a media start-up with deep experience across data, AI and media focused on sports, news and entertainment. We're passionate about integrating data and storytelling to help journalists and content creators across the globe integrate well-designed data, models and analytics seamlessly into their content.

Stated simply, we want to democratize analytics for journalists and content creators across sports, news and entertainment.

What is Data Punk Media?

Data Punk Media is a platform for journalists and social content creators. It combines the fascinating world of data and storytelling across sports, news and entertainment with the world of journalism and content creation. Whether you're an investigative journalist on the front line or a social media influencer, our platform provides you with fresh content, tutorials and tools to be a top notch data storyteller.

What is Unique about Data Punk Media?

The breadth of our industry expertise and global network of experts makes us unique. Also, our process (the data storytelling lifecycle) starts with the structure and conceptualization of a story and runs through data sourcing, cleaning, analysis, modeling and visualization to publication across various content platforms or media. Be it online journalism, YouTube videos, or TikTok/Instagram posts, our journey includes data storytelling from start to finish.

What Does our Platform Cover?

We cover various topics across the data storytelling lifecycle:

  • Weekly Newsletters: A broad array of topics – introductory to advanced, such as What is Data Storytelling, Designing Analytics for YouTube Videos, Building Characters into your Data Story, and more.
  • Course Lectures: Covering different topics that roughly align to our newsletter series, we'll publish easy-to-watch lectures that give you the full picture of what data storytelling is and how you can develop your technical skills around it.
  • Tutorials: Hands-on walkthroughs that guide you through specific tasks, such as Sourcing Data using Web-Based APIs, Using Excel's Pivot Tables to Discover Stories, Mapping out your Data Story through a Story Arc, and more.
  • Templates & Tools: We're working on a variety of templates to automate your integration of analytics into your data story and make the process of storytelling more efficient. (Coming Fall, 2024)
  • Projects: Deep dives on some of our projects – how we built and deployed them, the effort and time, our learnings, etc. (Coming Fall, 2024)

And much, much more.

Learning Tracks

We've structured the Data Punk Media experience across four tracks:

  • Preview - An introduction to our ethos, content and offerings. This content is open to the public.
  • Newsletters - A members-only (free) section for regularly published content on different topics.
  • Tools & Templates - A members-only (paid) section for hands-on labs, tutorials, tools and templates. (Coming Fall, 2024)
  • Projects - A members-only (paid) section for deep dives on a sampling of our projects. (Coming Fall, 2024)

Content is tagged with the track name and the level of difficulty, which is Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert – for example 'Newsletters, Intermediate'.

Introductory will be focused on theory or background materials, providing high-level guidance on a particular topic. Intermediate will combine theory and practicum, often having some hands-on component. Advanced will deal with more advanced topics or have some level of programming with advanced analytics/predictive modeling in it. Expert may involve deeper programming or data science/AI modeling or require some understanding of industry-specific skills.

Learning Avatars

Depending on the track and the content, you'll meet different learning avatars along the way. They will provide helpful insights, tips and tricks and more to guide you on your learning journey.

We hope you enjoy what we deliver, but if you have feedback or requests email us anytime.

Subscribe to our newsletter to access unique data storytelling content that brings together data, AI, design and content creation!